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Near (Offline)
Domo, Unknown-san
Posts: 66
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Following L around and tugging on his sleeve.
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10-19-2007, 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Nah, it's okay, Tsuzuki I'm only wondering if DeathNote is your favourite anime or something?

Oh right, Kudo-san told me... =/ Curse this bad memory >_< Give Kanji-san my regards too, then. ^^

Noooooo, I wasn't refering to you XD Never mind, haha, no use cryin' over spilt milk Lalala *kissies and huggies and cuddlies and snugglies and... (Did I mention kisses? XD) to my one and only apprehender* Geez, almost typed "(l)" lol >_<
I never would have let you live that one down. XD And I'll tell L you said hi next time I talk to him^^ He misses you too^^ *More kisses and glomps and smexies to you* ^_^

Loves ya Aoshi
Love ya Cooly
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