Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
01-22-2007, 02:48 AM
***I'm surprised Nozomi didn't make a comment about Tatsu hugging her ***
"We don't really know what we are doing here ourselves." I begin to say "We are kind of following each other, and following nothing at the same time. We are searching for clues and answers to things. Clues that none of us know."
The old man looks at me, then puffs on his pipe. "You young kids, always thinking about things. At times like this it is best just to sit down, have a nice smoke, and pull out a thick book...." The man pauses for a moment. "Ah! the soup is done." The man gets out of his chair and goes to the fireplace. He pulls a large pot off the burner and places it on a cloth. He gets 3 deep wooden bowls from his cabinet and 3 very big spoons. He begins to ladle the soup into our bowls. Actually it is more like a stew. Filled with onions, and tomoatoes, and big pieces of beef. He gives one to me, places Ichirin's on the table next to him, and puts Nozomi's on the nightstand next to her bed.
"By the way. My name is Gruntz, but you kids can call me gramps if you want." He smiles at all of us. "A strange group....All you kids have some strange garments on you. And I can tell all of you have lost something. Just by the way you look and are all scarred up."
I try to change the subject. "Thank you for your hospitality, Gruntz, we will be leaving come mid-day, so you don't have to worry about keeping us." I take a big mouthful of Gruntz's stew. It was really tasty. And the aroma of it filled his small house. I hadn't eaten in so long. The heat was really warming up my bones. My clothes didn't feel so wet anymore. After I finished the food, I took off my robes and placed them over a chair. I placed Sora next to me on the floor. I looked over at Ichirin...He was fast asleep, sitting against the all next to the fire. I smile at him. He looks so peaceful asleep. That kid sure has alot of problems in his life. All 3 of us do.
" I am going out now young'uns. Got a bit to do today, see you all later." Gruntz leaves and locks the door behind him.