Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#194 (permalink))
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CoolNard (Offline)
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01-22-2007, 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Kuroneko View Post
I Lie in bed thinking about the pain in my chest, sipping the soup. I talk to Tatsu a bit, but not long after echoes of voices reverberate in my head "Swiftant..." the voices say... now their is two, talking to each, "haaa the pain" I grab my head. Tatsu look concerned but realizes what this means, he grabs his sword. "Some one... something to the north in the forest " I get up its not as bad as the one in Disan , I ready my kodachi's, i go to wake up Ichi but he is already awake, we rush to the forest expecting a Dragon ... its a man... but not sure.

**so what are you a man or a dragon or both? (BTW yes my character can sense dragon thoughts)**
As i kept a look out for the group supposedly of formidable opponents, I felt a slight change in the movement of the surrounding air particles. I glanced in the direction of the change. There were two men and a woman running towards me.One of them was huge with bulging muscles on one of his arms. His other arm seemed to be of foreign material prior to his body.The second man looked more like a teenage kid to me but he was wearing a blindfold and carrying strange weapons that i'd never set eyes upon until now. The woman made the least impression on me. To me, she looked frail and weak so i didn't pay much attention to her. I glared at them as they approached, my eyes still the colour of blood.

**I'm a man who has learnt and adopted the language and ways of the dragons(refer to my charscreen in one of the earlier posts if ure still confused ^^)**

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 01-22-2007 at 06:47 AM.
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