Originally Posted by Haggis
Well Fudoh is about transvestite lesbian schoolgirl assassins. Happiness of the Katakuris is a romantic musical comedy with zombies, I'm not sure what Visitor Q is about but it involves scenes of people lactating and copulating with corpses (it is a comedy though). I'm not even going to mention what Ichi the killer is about except to say it's been banned and cut in lots of countries.
It's not all adult stuff though, The Great Yokai war is a childrens story with a boy and a cute little hamster, (although the hamster does get chained up and whipped by a woman in leather, and put in a microwave).
Anyway, to end on an anime related note, Paprika's well worth watching.
Miike recomendations:
Visitor Q could be seen as a comedy...or a horror....or a porno....its very strange...its like a basicly a taboo bashing movie. I didnt actualy like it as much as I thought I would.
Ichi the Killer is one of my favorite movies. It's mostly SM and torture. So naturaly I love it.
I love the Great Yokai War (and I dont typicaly like childrens movies). Although the ending made me really sad. Oh BTW the chains, whips and leather were as platonic as chains, whips, and leather can possibley be -_-;
Gozu was awfull until the last 5 minutes. However, those last 5 minutes being THE BEST movie moment I have ever seen, and more than made up for the rest of the film.
MPD Phsycho is nearly incomprehensible, but it's weird trippy, surealness, made it extreamley enjoyable to watch (but it would have been soooooo much better if the gore hadnt been censored out).
Audition may just be my favorite Miike film. The acting was superb, the visuals were excelent, it was well paced (yes, it was slow, but then once it got going, subtleness of the first half of the movie made the agressive violance of the last half seem so much more shocking in comperison). Oh, and the special affects were very realistic and well done.