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(#69 (permalink))
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Powermad147 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 575
Join Date: Sep 2007
10-22-2007, 03:19 AM

**Raz, where are you from anyhow? Japan? I mean you, not your character =P Oh, btw I'm switching over to first person. In other words, directly from Arcaida's point of view**

I ran over to Lizzy to figure out what she was looking at. It was a human, poisoned by the looks of it. But something more was wrong with it, though I couldn't quite tell what. The corpse had strange marks on it, running up the side of its neck. It looked like it wasn't the gas that killed this one. It looked like he had been strangled by something, but the marks didn't look like fingers. It looked like a pair of claws.
"What could have done THIS?" I asked, starring at the eirily familiar mark. "Who knows..." Said Lizzy. We checked the rest of the bar. There wasn't much left in it, except the corpses. I began thinking over the mark, and where i had seen it before. My master had a mark just like it on his neck, a strange redened area around his neck, shaped like a pair of talons. I woke up from my daydreaming when i realized that Lizzy, less than a foot away, was starring and waving her hand in front of my face. "Jeez! Don't do that!" I said, more annoyed than anything else. Lizzy just laughed and turned around, and began to walk out of the bar. I started wondering why i was sticking with her. I wasn't hurt anymore, but I still didn't feel like leaving. There was still work to do here, and besides, I was starting to like hanging around with this girl.

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