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(#9 (permalink))
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Sanchome (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 140
Join Date: Sep 2006
10-22-2007, 04:22 AM

I was doing a little research on Japanese electronic dictionaries recently.

The high end versions of the Casio Ex-Word Japanese/English electronic dictionaries have the ability to add extra software including the Kodansha Jack Halpern’s Kanji Learner’s Dictionary. The dictionary doesn't have English menus, but the Kanji Learner’s Dictionary software does have English. You can use the dictionaries kanji handwriting input feature (with a stylus) with the learner's dictionary too.

Here is a good review of the Casio Ex Word XD-GW9600 electronic dictionary from a blog. Also, here is information on the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary from another blog.

The XD-GW9600 is not cheap, but if you are looking for something that has good dictionaries and all of the current features, the blogs seem to agree that this is one of the best models. You might want to look around and compare the Casio to the top Canon models before deciding what to buy.
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