10-22-2007, 11:37 PM
OMG YOU GUYS!!! i loved twilight princess!!! but it was chalenging in much newer ways than previous ones, like ocarina of time(<--instant classic). twilight princess made me fall in love with zelda again. well, more in love than i already was. can't believe how good it was. but i didnt think it was too chalenging. but hey, has any1 ever noticed that the zelda franchise uses the number 3 alot? sure they have triforce blah blah blah.. but a LOT of bosses die with three strings of attacks. like in orcarina of time goma, the first boss (i think thats its name) dies after you knock him down and hit him with a string of attacks after three repititions of that strategy. in twilight princess the spider boss (i forgot what place its at) dies after you knock it down and slice and dice it three times. weird, isnt it?