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TheUnknown (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 538
Join Date: Sep 2007
10-23-2007, 03:15 AM

^nice piccies

@Unknown how about you put some new pics of yourself up, w/o the bank heist ensamble. Or at least w/o the shades so we can see your eyes(you can wear the bandana around your mouth if it makes you comfortable
of cause.. but i gotta to compliment on everyone's pictures first right?
and btw you all look great.

@TheUnknown sankyuu.i was kinda still away .i drop by every now and them but still i should come here often.and when i have some spare time ill take that photo of me.
haha.. thanks for thanking me O_o anyway i will wait :P

@Hentaro, nice work designing your handbag, look really nice. looks like the work of a great designer
@xYinniex, ya.. same with Shadowulf.. not enough sleep?.. or probably tired of school

人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。-- None since the advent of time have escaped death, may my loyalty forever illuminate the annals of history.