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JF Ossan
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10-23-2007, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Yeah right, he got elected TWICE because the American people don't support his beliefs... anyway, let's not turn this into a political debate. You just have to understand why you (assuming you're American) are seen this way, cause it's kinda obvious when one keeps making the same mistake over and over again despite having the truth stare them in the face... it shows how brainwashed some people are.

And I'm not spreading anything, I'm just telling you why these stereotypes about the Americans are going around so that you know it's not for nothing you have this reputation.
I would argue that he wasn't elected the second time, but, like you said, no need to go into it. Look at his popularity rate right now and tell me that he represents the present beliefs of the American public. Clearly the damage he has done has reached all corners of the Earth.

But again, you generalize and stereotype. I need to understand why I am seen this way? It's obvious? I am brainwashed? I would never dare make a generalization about an entire country based on the motions of it's political leader. Do I think all Iranis think the same way as thier president? Of course not. French? Hell no. Do all Japanese have the same mind as their Prime Minister? Of course not. So why throw every American in the same bucket as Bush? I understand it's an easy route to take, but allow me to tell you that this is the minority thinking. And that many Americans are very aware (and embarrassed) by the actions of thier government, and, in turn, don't judge a person by what country they are from.

It's too bad that judging a person by what country they are born is still the norm in too many places. I hope some day that the "stereotypes about Americans going around" can be cast away with judging people by the color of thier skin or the kinkiness of thier hair.
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