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(#14 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
10-24-2007, 09:12 AM

The definition of the word "terrorism" had changed dramatically since 9/11.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US in WWII was not a "terrorist attack". It was an act of war. I am not going to say it was the right decision or wrong decision, but let's at least get our terms right. I would say Pearl Harbor is closer to a "terrorist attack", but I still wouldn't call it that.

Anyway, I have been photographed and fingerprinted going through Canada (to Japan) and I have no problem with it. If it can help catch international criminals (19 of which came through Canada to commit 9/11) then I am all for it.

I have commited no crime, so I don't feel anything having a picture of my face taken and my fingerprint taken.

Like I said earlier... the Canadian pedophile who raped who-knows-how-many Asian children was caught in Thai thanks to this sort of system just a few days ago (he posted his acts on the Internet)

I have been in stores at least a dozen times when someone has purchased something with a credit card, and the clerk says "Can I see your I.D.?" and the buyer says "Why do you need to see my I.D.???" all offended. The clerk always responds saying, "I can run it without seeing your I.D., but this is for YOUR protection, not OURS." Personally, I always thank the clerk when she asks for my I.D. when I pay with a credit card. It tells me they are on MY side.
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