10-24-2007, 10:12 AM
明子、 秋子、 アキコ、 晶子、 亜希子、 彰子、 昭子、 晃子、 暁子、 あき子、 アキ子、 彩子 、 顕子、 安喜子, etc....
All of these names are read as 'Akiko' and there are more possibilities. None of the ones I just typed above have anything to do with children games in their meanings. We need to know how the name in question is written in Japanese to tell you what it means. 'Akiko' as written in the alphabet virtually tells us nothing about the name except for the mere sounds of it. So please go find out how the name is written and get back here.
Last edited by masaegu : 10-24-2007 at 10:17 AM.