Originally Posted by Laine
Are you planning to write the manga entirely in Japanese? Not to sound painfully discouraging, but I advise against it. Modern-day manga is written using so much slang (which is constantly changing), and grammatical exceptions that I'd say it'd be extremely difficult for a foreigner who doesn't know the language (or hasn't lived in Japan and been accustomed to the casual talk) to write a successful Japanese manga.
For a view of modern-day Japanese culture, I recommend you watch recent j-dramas, perhaps even some slice-of-life anime.
Oh no no.
Not all in Japanese.
Just a few phrases and so on.
Because the dragon guy lived centuries ago so, all he knows is Japanese so Hiro and Shina will try and help him speak English.
I don't plan on releasing it as an only Japanese manga.
I was planning on just having a bit of Japanese in it because it will be taking place mostly in Japan.
Hope that got through clear enough.