Thread: "Dark Poems"
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(#39 (permalink))
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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10-25-2007, 03:03 AM

Lets see...I'll try to write this one on the spot, and quick, because I have math to do and shows to watch ^_^

Thoughts of a vampire

Savor the lasting flavor as it lingers in your mouth, as the salt flows over your tongue, a bed of roses never as sweet as this. A solid scream breaks through the viel of night, disrupting it's quiet admirers as they gaze at the stars that seem so close. As the flood flows through, as the skin breaks, as the teeth dig in, you wonder not what has happened, but what it must be like on the other side. Savor the lasting flavor as it lingers in your mouth, as the dying sing there forget-me-nots, as the drained cry out for mercy, as the willing give you a look of utter affection, savor the flavor as it lingers, for so soon it shall fade, and you will once again be alone.

Sorry, this one is sort of strange...I'm no good at rhyming poetry, so I try my best to do without rhymes...It's supposed to be a vampires thoughts as it is biting people, and various reactions. At least, thats my interpretation of it. Believe what you want it to be, i guess...=P

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