Thread: Elfen Lied
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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10-25-2007, 03:08 AM

Originally Posted by ILOVEJAPAN View Post
hehehe Diclonii.

I think the real reason that all the "Diclonii" are so violant, is because humans treated them so badly. If it werent for human oppression, I think they would have fit in with regular society. Its just another example of humans destroying themselves.
It is how it works. When a new species comes along, they have a natural agression towards the dominant species. Lucy, however, has a unique love for a certain human, but is otherwise a pervect example of the ultimate diclonis. But it would have been interesting, Koata and Lucy... I doubt she would hurt him even if he cheated on her...but imagine what she'd do to the girl he cheated with 0_0

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