Originally Posted by Thunda
I said you dont have to buy many accessories, and all those bullshit
What I meant is: 2 yrs later x fans will run to the shops mummy buy me a new xbox which is cooler than a ps3, becoz it palys Blue Ray too, oh mummy please!!
(We both now that one ps is idk 600$ and xbox is 200-400$ and two years later the BluRayXbox will cost 500$ Count man.)
i can name more if you like?
yep!!!! I enjoy this soo much!! XDXD
nice talkin to ya
OHHHHH sorry i didn't understand first time.
.... Well as for blu-ray,,, that will never happen cos blu-ray is specifically SONY, and there is an equivalent already; HDdvd, which is just an add on, which btw xbox + HDdvd is cheaper than PS3 + nothing, lol
I know where you're coming from. but surely paying little by little for accesories you WANT is better then paying $600+ straite off and not use most of those accesories. like blu-ray for example. i have a ps3, but i dont own a single blyray film apart from casino royale which was free.