This is all wrong. I am going to take the time to explain to you what you need to do in certain cases that I am familiar with. I am a VP in my bank and bring people from all over the world to work here. There are some things you need to think about.
- 90 day visa
- Spousal visa
- engagement visa
These are the only three I know about. Then there is company sponsorship but you need to be good at something to get this. It takes about 30 days with the company lawyers and you have to leave the country and re-enter with the work orders.
90 day - You come in as a visitor. What some people do and what I did a long time ago was leave the country for 24 hours then come back in. this was usually a short trip to Korea. The problem with this now is they count. They will not let you back in on your third attempt. So that gives you a 180 day window to get a job. When you change from 90 to any other visa, you have to leave 1 time.
Let me clarify this. **IT IS EASY TO WORK IN JAPAN** This is the only country that I see English teachers with no financial experience get jobs in banks. So it can be done. Easy. I will list a couple of job sites for you to look at later.
Spousal Visa - *This is what I am on* This is the easiest visa to obtain. As long as you marry properly. There is a lot of yakuza marriages for visas. Immigration is cracking down. Don’t marry for a visa. I have some friends who did and they hate life. This visa is your quickest route to a permanent visa though. The process is 1 year - 1 year - 1 year - 3 year - permanent.
Engagement visa - Now here is a tricky one. You can ask immigration to give you what you call a konyakushya visa. This is a plan to marry in Japan. If it is say 8 months out, they may allow you to stay for 8 months. You will have to call them for the details.
Japanese immigration is considered the toughest in the WORLD. But it is still easy to get a visa is you are from a western country. Sounds racist? Well unfortunately there is a major injection of Philippinos in Japan. They are trying to stop this.
Some sites for you.
Work -
Bilingual Employment in Japan : CareerCross
Visa -
MOFA: Visa