Originally Posted by ILOVEJAPAN
Well, if you healthy and normal thats all fine and good. But sometimes mentaly ill people have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality. So its not such a huge strech to say that if a crazy person watched somthing violant, they might imitate it.
Which is not to say that we should hold any anime comanys responsible for anything. If somone does somthing extremley violant that they imitated from some violant anime, that person only has themselves to blame. Anime can NOT make you mentally ill, and that person would have done somthing violant anyway.
Basicly what Im saying (and this just my opinion) is that violance in the media can provide psychopaths with Ideas of what kind of violance they want to commit, but it can NOT drive somone to that point (they already have to be there).
My vote is with you, ILOVEJAPAN, I grew with Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner and both of these were essentially violence as plot and motivation. I've never stuck my finger in the barrel of a gun to make it backfire nor dropped an anvil on someone's head. Images of violence may provide an unbalanced or sick person ideas to act in that manner but the potential had to be there in the first place or they would not act on it.
This is a debate that continues to rage but continues ignore what is underlying the action: some people are just plain sick. It's just easier to blame something than it is to leave people just wondering. We are looking at the foundations of propaganda and we all know were large scale finger pointing leads. If you're unsure, look at the propaganda of earlier Nazi Germany as the National Socialist provided the people with a scapegoat for their predicament after the first world war.