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(#71 (permalink))
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Powermad147 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 575
Join Date: Sep 2007
10-26-2007, 03:05 AM

**Yay, double postage abilities! *maniacle laugh*...Anyhow, why didn't Arcaida follow you? Lets find out =P Unless I'm misreading it...Is Arcaida there or not? *Confuzzled* **

I refused to head downtown with Lizzy, though she hadn't seemed to realize as she walked off without me. Downtown is where vampire warfare is at its peak, the battlefield, in a sense. I had gone there once to pick something up for Fallon, my master, when I was beaten senseless by a pair of vampires. this was in the days before my Vampirism. I thought through what had happened, all up to this moment, and decided I would stay with Liz for a while. So i didn't like downtown, so what? Sometimes even I don't know why I do the things i do, and just like that I began heading after Lizzy, following her scent through the air. thankfully, she wasn't far away, so I could still follow the scent of her perfume through the air. I walked through a crowd of vampires, and one steped up, as if to make a move. Immediatly, I had drawn my dagger and suddenly the approaching man was face to face with the tip. I smiled ruefully; My skills had not deminished. I was as sharp as ever. The startled man and the rest of the vampires cleared the way, and I continued on my way, approaching a small coffee shop from which the scent of her perfume was coming.

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