Originally Posted by Kaicui
sdfu y'all just wanna be japanese..im tired of foreigners tryin to act like us.
Ur not japanese so stop trying to act it admit.. fucking wannbes
Stop using the English language, then.
You're not white, you don't come from an English-speaking country, so stop using it... you fucking wannabe! There should be a ban on Japanese people dying their hair any colour that isn't black or brown, and on plastic surgery that widens eyes or shapes the face any different than what is typically seem in the face of Japanese people. You're saying basically the same thing, what if people held these views against you and your culture? I live with a racist family and I could repeat hundreds of racist things that have been used against the Japanese- with this my point is, even if you think something or hear something you don't have to say it, just keep it to yourself... I guess I'd be more understanding if you were an old man, because the old generations are stuck in their racist past, but you're a young man, what's wrong with you?
I agree that some people can take fashion overboard, but it's their own personal mistake. Plus when I look at Japanese fashion online then go to the shops, there's basically the same style in the shops to what is online, it just has a different label... For example: Sex Pot Revenge, black and pink jumper, can also be bought from Oasis market, but with a different label in.
Also, just to point out, I'm defending people that want to wear Japanese labels, but I don't actually own anything from Japan- except a pair of chop sticks which I thought were pretty (bought in England) and those weird cookie things... which are now in my stomach (also bought in England). I think maybe we should all just drop this topic? I know how hard it is to change a racist persons views... in fact it's almost impossible. However, it's most likely someone will say something and then I'll end up writing again... where are the moderates of this forum? Usually on any other forum this thread would be closed, because we're all just spamming it, defending our opinions.
If I could make a suggest? People should maybe stop looking online for Japanese fashion and go out and create their own from what they find in the shops... it's fun and cheaper! =)
(But then again, Japanese decorer style- pink and red together? I'd chose to leave the house in my underwear if all I owned was a pink t-shirt and red skirt...) =O Shouldn't have wrote that, but that's what I think, and a million people could disagree. Like I also think grey makes you look fat, purple is a disgusting colour and you can't wear blue and black together. Now if I went around sprouting that to everybody, I wouldn't be that popular...