Thread: "Dark Poems"
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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10-26-2007, 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by onexsoul View Post
not really... im not good w/ words ^^
There's rarely a girl in my highschool that undetstands poetry, so I'd say compared to them, you have quite a way with words -_^

Running Away

I call out, but all I seem to see is the back of your head, like I'm not even worth taking a look behind you to notice. An ocean between us, a web cascading over the gap, catching me at every turn, I can hardly hide what I feel. What happened to me? Was it when I took a step forward, when my feelings had gone and I had taken my chances, only the poison has returned, and maybe you can feel it too? I can no longer hide from what is to happen. So I will not hide, I will run from you. I notice no change in your stride, no flautering in your epression, as i step away slowly, as if you never cared, as you probably never did. And so i run away, and even if it is only i who notices the ocean, the web cascading over the distance I am making, even if you do not know how I feel and how I am running, then maybe it is only i who feels this rift. A slow song that no one will dance to, as it plays itself out within my mind, a sad song that mourns my ignorance of my own emotions, I feel it, that you never knew, that you never cared, and who am I to say you should have? I play myself out to be a funny, sarcastic boy as to distance myself, to convince us we are friends when really we are not. But on the inside I feel nothing similar to friendship. I feel sad, I feel lonely, because you could never like me. And so i run.

I've just recently realized how much it bugs me to be away from the girl I like, even though I've always been sure she didn't like me. So I've decided to stop being her friend; We were never too close, I'm sure she won't miss it. And this way, i won't keep chasing after a prize i can't have.

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