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Nyororin (Offline)
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10-27-2007, 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The construction industry basically lobbied the easily "influenced" government into charging people outrageous taxes for moving into used homes.
You`ve got it the wrong way around. They don`t charge outrageous taxes on used homes. They just have tax breaks for new homes. They charge the same taxes on all major purchases - but with a new home they give you a break and a tax credit. Same thing in the end, really, but it`s a bit different from putting extra taxes on a used house. You also have various government services (to help with the loan, etc) available if, and only if, it`s a new house.

We thought about building, and also considered used housing. But in the end we went with a large condo. Mainly for privacy. You actually have more privacy in a condo than a little house crunched up against others. And it`s actually big - unlike that of SgtBeavis`s sister-in-law. Unless, of course, he`s incredibly huge. Our ceilings are 2.8 meters, with the lowest beams at 2.5. The place itself is more than spacious enough for our little family - 106 square meters. Tons of closet space, an actual laundry room, a huge veranda - and the real kicker, a private 28 tsubo yard (not counting the parking space, etc..) All within 10 minutes of Nagoya station. Oh, and we can have pets too.

Sometimes houses seem kind of nice, but I`m glad we went this route. And we bought it in our early 20s, so the loan will be totally paid off long before retirement. Woohoo!

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