Originally Posted by Keaton421
The school was at fault for recruiting in this way. Everyone knows Kenyans are overpowered
Then again, I see your point of this thread. Yes, most Japanese are very xenophobic. That comes from living on a tiny island, and while the rest of the world was trading, exploring, and starting a new era, their government imposed an extremely strict isolationist policy. Part fear, part "cultural preservation," in the long run it only served to neuter Japan's cultural evolution. So when you hear of them refusing to sit on the subway next to us, it's not because they're racist; just ignorant. Can't really blame them, but times are changing, and it's time to get with them.
You know what is funny, when I do ride the train, if I am in jeans tee shirt and timberlands no one will sit by me except the drunk old guys trying to talk english. But when I am suited up... no problem there... everyone takes a seat. lol