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(#50 (permalink))
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TheUnknown (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 538
Join Date: Sep 2007
10-27-2007, 11:14 AM

c'mon.. let's be honest.. this is just want happens when you migrate to another country.. living there and working there. althought i have to say, not everyone is racist but there is one thing for certain- racism does exist in every country.. <_< especially if you got different skin colour.. hair colour.. but the thing is those who are educated will put this in their mind and not act on it while those without being educated will act on what he believes is right. like TokyoFerrari said "Money is king in this country. Sad but true." so true.. this applies to every country.. it's just that with the money.. flash cars and etc.. it means that you have power.. perhaps highly income.. then people will think twice before giving you one of those racist stares.. or one of those contemptuous looks.. i know.. it's sad

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