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(#62 (permalink))
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TheUnknown (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 538
Join Date: Sep 2007
10-28-2007, 11:27 AM

Thats right. I have 2 Fcars *see my posted pictures in my forums*. This is useless in Tokyo cause it is so crowded. But driving them down the street allows me the freedom to not pre judged as a scary gaijin. This is nice sometimes...
haha.. ya, it's crowded.. same as HK. not really suited for owning your own car.. but nice car must have cost you heaps to get the driver licence and the licence plate..

i'm only half japanese with the other half being chinese, so when i travel to japan, i think that i fit in just fine. it also helps that my family in japan takes me around so the locals never would have thought that i was from hawaii.
wow.. i had no idea that you're chinese i'm chinese as well

Even if your 100% japanese blood from another part of the world. You will never be....Japanese.

i think i get what you meant.. even thou you're 100% japanese, the locals will treat you different.. as they believe that you betrayed your own country and choose to live elsewhere and NOW! you come back and steal all those jobs from those "real" Japanese people... but then again if you got cash.. it will no doubt be different..

i think to sum it all up: where'er you're in the world, there will always be racism or any discrimination agains your skin colour & etc.. One thing remains constant is the fact that "Money talks".

人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。-- None since the advent of time have escaped death, may my loyalty forever illuminate the annals of history.

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