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noodle (Offline)
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10-28-2007, 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by kedzi0rs View Post
hmm Exchange could be good. but i don't know if here in POLAND are Universities that are making exchanges with Japan It would me much easier.

And that what you said about schools. I know, that school isn't most important, but in good school they will make you learning more :P

And about activities, I swim very often, go on extra match and English lessons, on gym, and I'm learning extra in my house Japanese and Programming. Now I want also to join Aikido school, but in 3 months I will take Drive licence test, so I'm really busy. Are this activities good ? Maybe not so educative but those all are additional.

Maybe we will met somewhere, sometime in Japan
ofcourse in poland they have exchanges to japan... you will almost always find a university in every country that will do exchange to japan (especially if its not a third world country)

As for schools, yeah they might teach you better, but learning yourself in a bad school can also look good to people.

thos activities.. they are good, but nothing special about them. Try to join a debate team, try to organise an event for your school or town or something..

When i spoke to my teacher about why tokyo accepted me. she said that, its because i speak 4 languages perfectly, i seem confident and have A LOT of common sense... (they know that i live in france ALONE, i pay for all my studies myself. no help from parents as they are retired)... also i've been giving math, french and physic lessons for about 5 years. and another thing that they liked was the fact that i got a job working in a games shop at 16, and after 3 months they always offered me manager positions etc. They also liked that i organise basketball matches for my school, and that i even organised a International students meeting in this uni.
Another thing that they liked is that i'm the guy that takes ALL foreign students around the university and shows them the campuss and the town etc etc

All of this seemed to impress them more than the fact that i get some of the best grades. My average at uni last year was 18.3/20 ... this is EXTREEMLY high for french education. the next person after me in the year got 16.6

Anyway, the point is, they will try to find out everything about you. they want to know what kind of person you are. and they dont really want you to be a nerd. someone that just reads books and studies and has no life.
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