Now fully awake the Shadow eyes pierce like daggers “Hummm …” it said standing up, looking over the seen “so, what do we have here?” looking over at Swiftant who has now focused his eyes on Nozomi, there eyes meet. Each with perching fiery eyes full of intense hate, “So YOU’RE Swiftant, did that, old BASTARD of a dragon Shakura, send you to kill MEE??” The shadow snarled
“Ha Ha HAAAA!! that pathetic Rotting Peace of Shit Could even muster enough courage fight MEE??!!” Shakuras eyes grow with fiery he lunges to attack. The Shadow continues “ so he sends his worthless, Puny adopted grandson to fight MEE??”
Shakura pores all of his power, all of his hate, in to one enormous attack 10 times stronger then the one he used on Tatsu. There was no holding back now He wanted the Shadow and only the Shadow Dead “DIEEEEE!!!!” he screams “BAHAHAA” the aura Snaps Throwing the large man back in to the pillar with a loud “Crash” it crumbles to the ground falling on top of him. “HA HA HA …huuuum?” averting its attention to the others. “Oh You again …”looking in at Tatsu … "… oh and the blind boy HA, are you Prepared to die?” Shakura know severely injured gets out of the rubble, “Ha You still wish to FIGHT ME AGAIN? MEE THE ALL POWERFULL SILVER DRAGON AKUMA??? HA HA HA!!! This Time there will be no help from that BITCH
( In Nozomis Mind)
“Tatsu the moon its soo beautiful…”I say ” I wish we could stay together in this moment…” I blush looking in to his eye, “forever!”
** YES, I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS (I’ll be the bad guy as well as a good one ^_^) don’t worry their will be some more twist if you don’t kill Nozomi in her sleep hehe he ::laughs mimetically to him self :: anyway I couldn’t keep it in any longer had to finally write it, I have been hinting at it since the beginning If you look back you could see some.

OH and Kanji don't worry about the time thing you'll see ^_^***