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(#305 (permalink))
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Shaelyn (Offline)
Fae of DOOM!
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10-29-2007, 07:17 AM

cartoon network does this kind of crap all the time.

they stopped airing zatch bell in the middle of a freaking battle scene...and they haven't brought it back since. it's been months.

and now they did this with bleach...which is an incredibly badass series, I don't know why they'd stop. it was at least at the end of a season...but I wish they'd stop at the end of the storyarc instead.

but yeah, they traded bleach for deathnote. I really doubt they'll start airing bleach again for a while, if at all.

one word: youtube. the last episode they aired was look up 52-53 (it's a double)

thnx boboloko for the sig!
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