plz dont have a japanese name if u dont even look japanese..u will just get made fun of, especially by me
Yes, but who are you and why should we care?
The point is, it's not unheard of for foreigners -- female and male -- to take on the family name of their Japanese spouses. (Hell, 入り婿 anyone?) But changing your name is a whole other ball of wax.
If you're determined on getting naturalized and getting a Japanese name, so be it. Personally, I think it's going a bit far and a happy medium is best. (Ramos Rui comes to mind). Me, I've been here a while, speak the language, have married into the culture...but I am who I am, and I'm not changing my name. I even sort of regret having made my ateji hanko my official one x-number of years ago...