10-29-2007, 08:50 PM
I knew it XD that it was あなた and not あなと. XD stupid me :P need to watch my spelling next time ^^ well, I'm a bit new to al these verbs conjugations ^^ but I've learned these things in the last sentences in 3 days XD I did have a bit of spare tiem and I learned 30 Kanji or so but thanks for the help ^^ I still need a lot to learn:P
I've got a few extra sentences ( a few easy ones i think) so I wanted to check if these are correct or what the mistakes are.
I ate an appel.
But the appel didn't taste well.
after I had eaten the appel
I got stomach pain
that wasn't nice.
Did you do your homework?
学生:いええ、すみません。私の宿題をりませんでした 。もって一時をありました。
no, I'm sorry. I didn't do it because I didn't had the time.
What!? I want to punish you, but I can't.
学生:はい。私の宿題をしません。それから英語を勉強 しません。
Yes, I've made my homework, and I've studied english.
先生:功名! Great!
田中:今日は。始めまして。私は田中です。此は私の友 達です。私の友達の名前は水きです。どうぞよろしくお ねがいします。
Goodday/Hello. Glad to meet you. I'm Tanaka. This is my friend Mizuki. (please treat me well)
水き:始めまして。私の名前は水きをです。どうぞよろ しくおねがいします。
Glad to meet you. My name is mizuki.(please treat me well)
こちらこそ? is it something like 'glad to meet you too' ? cause it wasn't explained , there only stood as reaction to どうぞよろしくおねがいします
春です。 I'm Haru
Tanaka want to go to work with a car.
でも彼わ車をありました。but Tanaka hasn't got a car.
田中さは自転車をあります。Tanakana has a bicylcle
田中はサはサイクルことが愛しました。Tanaka doens't like to cycle.
Last edited by Dutchman : 11-03-2007 at 09:20 PM.