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10-30-2007, 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by TheUnknown View Post
mainly it's because places like HK & Taiwan have been learning Traditional chinese since the very beginning of time.. haha.. at least their great Grand-father knows it.. so it's rather hard to just make a change to switch from Traditional to simplified.. but i heard that if you know Traditional, reading simplified would be easy; no problem. but it doesn't work the other way.. you're from Singapore.. so i guess you learnt simplified?
Well, Singapore's Ministry of Education chosen the Simplified ones. I guess there must be some sort of the reason for them to choose the simplified chinese.

1. Most Youngsters doesn't like Mother Tongue(Subject). Or should i say they hate it. Probably because the subject is difficult to study, or some other reasons might affect it.

Anyway, the main reason for that, is that their foundation are weak. Thus, when the student reach a higher level of education, they might felt that their chinese is getting from bad to worst, and eventually, they will hate chinese.

Thus, I recommend those who are learning chinese, to perfect your foundations first, before moving ahead

~ Oh ya, I did try to learn traditional chinese. It is rather similar to that of the simplified one. It just that some of the words are difficult to write :/
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