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Join Date: Oct 2006
01-23-2007, 04:56 PM
(Nozomis Mind)
"Tatsu what are you thinking about?" I ask under the full moon light "Tomorrows almost here... Tomorrow we will finally be wed."
**In the past with Tatsu and Shima, on a cliff in the Thauk Sul forest**
I look at Shima, she is as beautiful as ever, her long black hair reflects in the moonlight. Her soft white skin glows in the night. I peer into her eyes. "Tomorrow we will we wed." she says to me. She smiles and her dimples show. "Yes Shima," I say, "I love you so much more then anything." I grab her by her waist and pull her towards me. Our bodies touch and shoves her mouth into mine. Our bodies cast a silhouette, down the cliff and into the forest. "The moon is beautiful Shima." I say gazing into her eyes. "It is beautiful but you are more so." She smiles again, and I do too. I hold her in my arms.
****Cool battle, Swiftant and Akuma!!!!! ***
**-PRESENT, in the battle-**
The explosion was so massive, that it knocked out Swiftant. Seeing his bruised body unconscious, lying in the mud, and the rain is covering him, I sort of felt a touch of sympathy for him. Alot of the forest around Thauk Sul was destroyed. Luckily, only one house in the town was obliterated... It was the house that my Elvish powers sent the SilverDragon, Akuma into.
As the smoke from the extinguished fire rises, I can see that Nozomi/Akuma looks extremely weakened. He is on his knees, his entire body is bruised. I become filled with anger and grief. If the SilverDragon is destroyed, Nozomi will die too. A tear falls down my cheek as I look at Nozomi all bruised and cut. Blood is coming from her body too. If the SilverDragon pushes anymore, he will die in her body.
Again my Elvish Powers start to act on there own like before. I am telling my body no, but it goes anyways. I teleport in front of Nozomi/Akuma again. I hit her so hard over the head that she is out cold. I am glad that my powers didn't kill her. It was a big relief.... When Akuma went away, so did my Elvish powers, my eye turned back to its green color, and the purple energy around me was gone as well......
I can no longer hear Shima's voice calling me, I still think it was my mind playing tricks on me. She is dead, she cant' call to me, and I have to learn to let it go. Now Nozomi is lying in the mud too, she is bleeding badly. The black aura that was around her has faded. The SilverDragon has lost control and has vanished back into her body.
I pick Nozomi up into my arms. Her hair hangs to the ground. I look over at Ichirin and the Warrior woman. They are both far from the battle. Ichirin cannot see us. But he knows what is going on. I carry Nozomi back to Gruntz's house and I put her into the bed, with the bear fur blanket. I use a warm cloth and water to clear away all the blood, I wash the cuts, and cover them as well as the bruises, I tie the bandages tight, and wrap a towel around her head, she probably has a concussion.
I go back outside and pick up Swiftant's body too. I look into his face, he is still a kid, like Ichirin, though Swiftant is a bit older. I suddenly feel bad, I hate hurting kids, it goes against everything I stand for. I don't care if he is evil, someone his age should not feel the emotions that he feels. I bring him in back to the house and put him on a different bed in a different room. I take off his torn shirt and place it on the floor. He has some deep wounds on his chest, I put ointment and bandage all his cuts, wraping where it is needed. I place the blankets over him. Elvish ointment heals wounds fast. When they both wake up, their cuts should be gone soon after.
I go back into the kitchen where Gruntz had made me the stew. The fire is so warm, and I fall asleep on the rug.
Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 01-23-2007 at 05:14 PM.