I'm doing Ext Japanese, but I'm not really confident in it :| and right now my reading/writing is pretty crap and kanji is almost non-existent. But yeah that should change after a year and a few HSC exams on the way. I hope.
I'd expect it to be pretty damn expensive, which is why I'm aiming for a high UAI mark (even if I may not need it) to please the parents so they'd pay for it

I think we're even planning to stop over at Vietnam for a bit (one of our friends is Viet) for some shopping and stuff.
But yeah, its pretty much a schoolies substitute, so coming back broke would be expected.
I've heard about the age limit being 20 and that seriously sucks, thanks for pointing it out though Danierux. Were kinda hoping we'd be able to get into clubs by making it blatantly obvious that we're tourists or something (I'm Chinese so I guess I look a bit like them) with no ID.

We're probably considered tall over there anyway lol.
Nanobyte: I don't really get what you're saying, but I recommend you finish you're education where you are now rather than moving to another country to finish it, if you can help it.
In Japan they have Junior High (Yrs 7-9) and Senior High (10-12).