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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
10-31-2007, 06:02 AM

As cute as Japanese kids are in costumes, I am beginning to hate Halloween. As an English teacher, I have had to give so many lessons about pumpkins and mummies that I think I will spontaneously combust if I say Jack-o-Lantern one more time. Better yet, if I get the question, "Why do you say Jack?" one more time I will freak out. How the hell would I know? It's a common name. Why does it matter? It just sounds nice!! Better than Tim-o-Lantern or Mary-o-Lantern.

Did you know Halloween started in Ireland? I didn't, nor did I care to know either. But now I have to have the answer. What was really fun, explaining to people that Halloween used to be a religious event and like many religious events in Western culture we turn them into a mockery of what they were intended to be. Think of Santa and the f'ing Easter Bunny.

Then they ask me why people go trick or treating and I am like, well, because it's what we do. It's like you throwing beans at demons during that holiday I don't remember the name of. We figure if we feed the little devils they'll leave us alone.

Being a cutural ambassador seriously sucks some time. But, I did enjoy scaring little kids. That was awesome.
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