Thread: Tale of Storys.
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(#254 (permalink))
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musashi (Offline)
Is throwing the apples...
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01-23-2007, 07:46 PM

***Ok, um...scince no one is writing, I think I'm just gonna BS some, ok? Um...don't get mad at me though...k?***

I was so positive before that this 'Ichirin' was going to try and kill me, but now, I'm not so sure. Even though he seems nice, maybe I should stay cautious anyway. Maybe, I could ask to go with him and his little group of, whoever they are. I hope he lets me go. I can't stay here anymore. Too many memories...

*Flashback to Myzura's childhood*

"Mother!" called a little girl. She was about 6 years old and covered in dirt and ash. She looked around her small village. It had been burned to the gound, hardly a thing stood. "Mother!" she called out again. Her voice only echoed. After walking around her village for what seemed like forever, she called out one last time. "Mother?" Tears streamed down her face and the lonely little girl began to cry. She hid herself in what was left of her house and cried into the night.

*End flashback*

A tear trickled down my face as I remembered the lonelyness of my home village. I looked away from Ichirin, so he wouldn't see.

***thats all i can type...G2G, bye bye!***

If love is stupid, then I stupid you!

An Apple A Day Keeps Anyone Away If You Throw It Hard Enough...
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