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(#26 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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10-31-2007, 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by Dymaz View Post
well i guess then i HAVE to give up, if i was to follow what you are saying,
because its not possible for me to go to a school learnin this, they don`t offer that here.
so basicly IF i followed you guys i should just give up? i mean then if you cut of my hand, while trying to get a cookie, then how am i suppossed to get it? - because i HAVE to get this cookie
in other words, then suggest me how i should learn it

DYMAZ, I am not sure where this attitude is coming from. We are trying to help you, not discourage you, but at the same time, let's be realistic. What you are asking isn't unreasonable, it just isn't realistic.
You obvioulsy have access to the internet, so there are websites out there designed to give you the first steps to learning Japanese. You have gotten several links. These websites have audio. They have video. They have graphics. You can SEE and HEAR the language being used. That is something no one can give you here.

But on the other side, you may hit a question that you don't have an answer to. "Why do I use GA with SUKI and not WA?" Well, THEN you can come back here and ask, and we can give you the answer.

You have all the players, but just need to put them in the right order, alright? You don't expect your goalie to score the goals and your forwards to block the goal, right?

Go to those websites. Go to or another online bookstore and order a textbook and audio CD and DVDs. Then come here with all your questions.
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