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Kasomi (Offline)
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10-31-2007, 06:55 PM

It isn't really realistic since you can't learn new vocabulary unless you see at least the same words I think around 16 times to remember it and process its meaning in your head, but it could take less time for you, who knows? I think 15 minutes isn't enough, but I can't stop you, so go ahead... Read as much as you can,though. (even if you know only kanas for now, you can learn a big amount of non-kanji words such as そろそろ (soon)、あなた(you) ect., because there is a lot of words that doesn't have a kanji attached to it to remember)

That's what the last thing I had to say.


Sème le vent, récolte la tempête;
Sème le bonheur, tu récolteras l'amour.
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