Thread: Air - The Movie
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Powermad147 (Offline)
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Air - The Movie - 11-03-2007, 07:34 PM

How many people saw Air The Movie? It was A LOT better than the series, but...I still just couldn't bare the ending T_T. Why does it end that way? Let her love someone, dammit!!! >_< But there were improvements; The characters look more mature, some act more mature, the romantic element is emphasized in the movie, and the biggest improvement? At least Yukito didn't turn into a freaking CROW halfway through the movie! But still, the romances that make me cry NEVER end the way you wan't them to. Which, I guess, is why you cry xD. I hated the ending of Kanon too, the only anime to ever make me cry before this one =P.

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