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(#730 (permalink))
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Rogozhin (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 372
Join Date: Jan 2007
11-03-2007, 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by Thunda View Post
Aw......I finished Final Fantasy XII. :'''D

The ending is sooo beautiful, if I just think back to the 280 hrs I've played....
I feel like those 6 are my friends :'D

Sorry, I always like that when I finish a Final Fantasy.....
Holy moley, 280 hrs!!

Dad sent me Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 (DS) a few days ago and I've managed to clock up about 16 hours of play time already. It's very addictive, the format is much like the first FFTA and several adjustments have been made to improve gameplay (and they did a sterling job of it, most irritants from the first game have been removed or made less irritating. Laws are less strict and you don't have judgemasters and K.O.'ed characters cluttering up the battlefield). There are new races, new faces and new places. Even more jobs, weapons and abilities. Many cross-overs from FF XII.
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