Best anime i watched so far?
From bottom to top:
i'd hv to go with (God knows how many r there)dragonball Z, rurouni kenshin, mahou sensei negima, inuyasha, naruto, one piece, mai-hime, bleach, deathnote and gundam seed destiny.

eathnote oughta win an award for the most unpredictable anime ever lol. It's friggin realistic even tho it's a supposedly fictional story and they really thought of everything, even the most minor details can determine who'll triumph over the other. Everything's jus so carefully thought-out and analysed and planned.. Even the counter measures the characters use against one another and the methods they use to hide their true identity and the way they work behind each other's backs. It's absolutely flawless. A gd anime is one of which u cant easily distinguish the paperthin line between gd and evil as the anime producers make sure both parties have decent reasons and intentions behind their actions of "justice". Both jus seem so right, yet so different. So in the end, it all goes back to square one-the one who's mor powerful wins in the end and his actions r automatically justified. That's wad my signature is implying anyway :P