Originally Posted by Kiger
Why do you have: Ik houd van u .....?
You only use 'u' when you talk to an elder/stranger (elder)/teacher.
Not to kids or anime characters.
In English it is always you. Easy. In Dutch you have: je/jij and u.
Je/jij to people you know (family/friends) or kids under 18 or 20.
If you know German an some French, you'll know how to speak some Dutch, though.
Hope it's useful.
Not to butt in, but the German you're using is far from correct...
It should be: Warrum kan ich nicht reden when ich von Dir spreche, warum kan ich nicht atmen when ich an Dich denke? Warum nicht?
Ad "Dich so" after "liebe", and it's correct.
7 years of advanced German and 3 years of basic German, plus I live like 10 miles from the German border. Gee, I've master two foreign languages yet I SUCK at Dutch spelling... T'is a strange and mixed up world we live in, ne?
Anyhee, I also interested in learning Japanese..