11-06-2007, 03:53 AM
blast from the past. from middle school on to halfway thru HS, I used to be obsessed with dolphins.
Tenchu, science does show humans more intelligent than fish, but the only way dolphins are linked to fish is in the fact that they both live in water. they're nothing alike - they're closer related to whales (the main difference between dolphins and whales being teeth/baleen). Fish are said to have about a three-second memory, while dolphins are supposedly more intelligent than humans. They just lack the opposable thumb.
personally, I do believe that we shouldn't kill/eat dolphins...but I recognize the fact that it's as much of a personal thing as a religious or sexual preference. hatredcopter's right, I back him up 100%.
to the original poster...the point at which you draw the line is your own. you can express your opinions, but don't be so forceful about it...that's a fast way to get people to ignore you and your cause. they have every right to have opinions that differ from yours.
~rolleyes~ I'm all for a discussion about dolphin killing in japan and all that...but in the form of your propoganda and spam, no.
thnx boboloko for the sig!
Last edited by Shaelyn : 11-06-2007 at 03:56 AM.