I did say supposedly. and granted, some of my information was fed to me by propoganda similar to that the original poster has been posting.
but, I will say that science accepts that the amount of wrinkles in the brain is related to how intelligent you are - the more wrinkles, the more intelligent. dolphins do have more wrinkles than humans.
so, scientifically, dolphins are more intelligent than us, yes. and like I mentioned, lack of opposable thumb...that's why they aren't doing what we can. all the intelligence of the world can't easily help an ocean-bound creature with three fins to aid them.
their ability to use sonor is pretty neat though, IMO. military sonor is based off dolphin's inate abilities.
EDIT: here ya go!
Cetacean intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
oh, and have you ever seen a pod of orcas (which are technically dolphins, despite their misleading name "killer whale") take out a larger whale? they're tactical creatures as well - they surround the whale in formation, and slow it down before they start attacking it. I wouldn't say even most humans are all that tactical.