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Dutchman (Offline)
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Location: Holland, The Netherlands what ever you call my country
11-06-2007, 11:48 AM

copied it from a dictionary. I don;t know which is used for what..
残虐 【ざんぎゃく】 (adj-na,n) cruelty, brutality, (P)
残忍 【ざんにん】 (adj-na,n) cruelty, atrocity, brutality, (P)
蛮行 【ばんこう】 (n) act of barbarity, brutality, barbarism, (P)
強暴 【きょうぼう】 (adj-na,n) brutality
惨酷 【ざんこく】 (adj-na,n) atrocity, cruelty, brutality
獣性 【じゅうせい】 (n) brutality, animal nature

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