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(#53 (permalink))
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Kyousuke (Offline)
Posts: 548
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: USA
11-07-2007, 06:14 AM

Ive already started on my manga called "Let me be with you". i have about 11 pages but still need some more detail. Its about a boy who doesnt trust women anymore because his last GF, who he loved very much, was cheating on him. because of this the higherpowers above grant him a second chance and gives him someone to be with him. so when they start out he is paranoid and a little suspicious of her intentions. but thats not the only thing happening around him . the only girl he talks to which is his friend since grade school has a crush on him and tries to tell him this, but her brother's friend is in love with her and tries to tell her. his best friend is a fun loving pothead who drags the main character into many of his schemes (some of them money making) like a drift challenge through ( a part of the area where i live) called the Dunes, a rock band, and etc.

"Im too drunk to taste this chicken" - colonel sanders
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