01-24-2007, 09:56 PM
I could hear Tatsu and Nozomi leave the tree-armoury, i was wondering what they were going to do. I was intrested.
But then the blindfold covering up my blind eyes was pulled off, it was being pulled of by Myzuri. She drops the blindfold onto the ground, my red eyes were sparkling. I touched her face with my right hand, going trough her hair. I slowly come closer to her, grabbing her hand with my left hand. Our faces were right across each other. I could feel her beauty, actually see it, picturing her textures inside my mind, her beautiful smile. My right hand slowly fell from the ends of her hair onto her back. This was a feeling that i knew, not like that before. I've felt it when i was with my parents, back when they were still alive.
"Could this be love?" i asked myself.

Starrin' & Teasin'
I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here
Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here