I'm not sure if anyone here will know about these things since they're somewhat niche, but since I'll be going on a trip to Japan in a few months there's a few things that related to my interests I'm curious about
- vinyl designer toys: I know that they're fairly popular in Japan, although maybe not as much as in Hong Kong. I'm guessing Tokyo would be the best place to look for them - are there any stores or areas that include or exclusively sell designer toys? Or any galleries displaying them maybe?
- craft stuff: I've gotten into crafting lately, and I know you can get
some incredibly cute craft fabrics and other materials in Japan that you just can't get here. I don't want to ask that person where she gets her stock from since she resells them ^^; But does anyone happen to know a good place to get that kind of stuff?
- anime/manga: Anyone happen to know if there are any conventions/comic markets on in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka or somewhere near those places in mid to late Feb?