Originally Posted by Harold
I know と can be used as "with" as in 「あなたと歩きたい」、but what's "without"? I see "nashi" like, as in タイトルなし "without a title". Is that it?
Edit: oops meant to post this in the main topic 
と doesn`t really mean "with". It`s just what it means in some cases....
In the sentence you use as an example, you are saying "I want to walk with you". The opposite of that would be "I don`t want to walk with you", which would be 「あなたと歩きたくない」. The と wouldn`t change at all.
I can sort of understand what you mean by wanting to know "without", but as it`s really relative to the sentence, it would be really hard to just pluck a word out and say that it means "without".
なし could technically be considered "without", but you certainly couldn`t use it in every case.
What sort of sentence are you thinking of using "without" in?