01-25-2007, 04:09 PM
*The dragon army is more going to be like 100000 dragons, we don't have to defeat them. We need to unify the broken cities of Etrirea, they'll aid us. But while they'll be fighting we go for the head dragon. But first we actually need to unify them. Just think of battle such in LOTR (lord of the rings) trilogy.*
"There'll be too many of them for us to take them on, even if they emperial army of Asgard is behind us, they won't even be a challenge for that large number of dragons." i said to them. "The best thing to do is to get the broken cities who untill now, compeated each other, to get them unified, with that army the dragon army will have a challenge, and by that battle the future of Etrirea is going to be sealed." I proceeded.
The faces of all my companions turned into a blur, the had no idea there was such a huge number of dragons in the army. But now they know their numbers they were even more motivated, but I didn't say about these dragons, these military dragons. They were much stronger then the other dragons, having thicker armor and better weapons, they were our ultimate enemy. But we weren't meant to be fighting them, we'll go for the main target, The silver dragon (can't remember his name). But all these thing i didn't tell them, i didn't want to break their morale. They'll see with what they have to compeet once they'll have to fight it in person.
"I suggest we go to all neighboring cities to let them know about the peace-treaty in order to unify forces." i said to them, standing on a tree stump.
"Therefor i suggest we'll travel in pairs, to be able to defend ourselves a bit when we run into the army". i answered their hopeless faces.
I got of the stump, walking to Myzuri to comfort her. When I arrived her i hugged her tightly, at first she didn't hugged me back...she was startled by what i just said...but after a while she started hugging me back.

Starrin' & Teasin'
I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here
Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here