11-12-2007, 09:39 AM
If you're interested in design and stuff then you can definetly spend 5 days in Tokyo no problems.
I think you could do Kyoto in one day yaknow...like I studied a bit of buddhst art and like temples and stuff but a day tops is all I can take of Kyoto, it's alot of walking and it's like 'oh great another temple'. Its not that big a city.
Osaka there's well, umeda, namba, america muru, the aquarium, eating, eating, eating...lol. Try and bump into some osaka people on the street and go drinking. Ummm there must be more to do lol. Oh and ferris wheels.
I've been to Mt Koya too, and really liked it, I spent a day there then overnighted in a temple inn. There's a really cool river for aborted/still born babies.
Nara, good for a day trip. See a few temples, feed the deer, have lunch/dinner come home.