Thread: "Dark Poems"
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(#81 (permalink))
onexsoul (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 100
Join Date: Sep 2007
11-12-2007, 03:12 PM

I can see you comming
Walking slowly
I fly into your arms
You catch me
You smile at me yet
Your eyes are empty of love
I ignore it and kiss your lips
they are unresponsive
"wat is it?" i ask
"nothing..." You reply
looking into the distance
I search your eyes
looking for something
ANYTHING that will resemble
wat used to be there
there is nothing
I hold you close
and burry my face into your chest
your arms wrap around me
yet the gesture seems empty
"I cant... my dear.. i.." He trails off
I nodd, understanding.
He has moved on
on the few months he was gone
he had moved on
I pull away, and turn my head hiding my facefrom you
"I understand... I should go..."
I start to walk
he grabs my wrist
"I swear, Its not you..."
I shake my arm free
"I know... good bye"
I continue walking, tears streaming down my cheeks
i was broken
he was gone
i go to turn the corner,
looking down
not paying attention
I see lights comming fast
dazed and confused
I look up and see a pair of lights
they are comming fast
i dont understand
something hits me
the lights, they hit me
i hear the crunch of bones
something breaks
i cannot feel anything
it must not be me...
i feel a searing pain within me
i ignore it
something heavy is atop me
the pressure leaves me
i hear screaming
i hear talking
i hear his voice
whispering in my ear
i see darkness

happy for ChevalierHaji (hes engaged!!)
madilscoops- older sis
dad- drakenjecht
cousin- XxVampireXBellexX
am the royal spy of :AkuenKigahen
assitant in crime- Slykaz1
twin of mark duff
evil twin of iceshot67
madilscoops is my reeses peanut butter cups
hentaro- my ham sandwich
hot brother-xXRyuseiRocketXx
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